When you design products and services, do you start with your customer? Are you thinking about the pain points of your core audience? Are you picturing their day? Are you thinking through where they spend their time (on and off-line) and whom they trust?
The most effective way I’ve found do to this is with Customer Personas. This is a semi-fictional character representing your customer(s); including market research and real data, demographics, behavior patterns, preferences, goals, and pain points. The reason we name this person and use a photograph is for the company to make this person part of the team. You should know the persona’s personality. Favorite app. Name of their dog. What they ate for breakfast.
Why? Empathy. It’s at the heart of every customer experience – and should be at the heart of what your company creates.
At LoyaltyCraft, we create a draft of the persona based on the knowledge of the employees closest to the customers… then validate them and gain deep insights with research (data, interviews, focus groups, ethnography studies). Want to learn more? Contact us today!